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messy painting process
/ Misc.
You don't suck - it's just the messy middle! As a painter, did you know that the “messy middle” is a common occurrence? But what is the messy middle? As the name implies it is the stage you hit, typically in the middle of creating a painting, where it all ...
I've found there are three places where the creative process and intuitive painting can get tricky: the beginning, middle and end. I start painting with joyful abandon but then it quickly fizzles out. Or, I hit the messy middle and it's now an incohesive muddle. Or, I'm nearing the end, ...
I’m marveling at the synchronicity of pulling the Deer Medicine card this morning, an animal that symbolizes gentleness, when yesterday I wrote and posted an article called, Art Making is a Gentle Teacher. To me, this means my higher self is emphasizing the importance of gentleness. Anxious to Develop My ...
If I mess up, it doesn’t yell at me or berate me. If anything, it seems to delight in the mess of creation. Every tentative mark, bold gesture, and accidental splash is creative fodder. It doesn’t judge good or bad. I’m grateful for this because my inner critic isn’t always ...
It's 2018 and a bright blue-sky day as I drive from Kill Devil Hills towards Nags Head in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I’m tired and hungry. As I make the drive back to my motel, I decide to play a game. As an intuitive coach and teacher, I ...
Making Room for Spirit The more I paint, the more I realize that while beginning and endings are exciting, the real juice of the journey is in the middle. This is because that’s where the alchemy of the creative process occurs – it occurs in the middle. And I like ...
Why is it so difficult to follow our joy? I keep circling back to this question a lot because while it may sound frivolous, I've come to believe it's hugely important. Our entire ability to not only be happy, but to thrive and honor our soul's callings depends on our ...
Spring Dance No 2 Fuel for Vets
/ Community, Misc.
Spring Dance No 2 painting to the Fuel for Vets live art auction, which is being hosted by the Kingston Community library on October 16th. Dannielle Genovese, a very talented local artist and art instructor is spearheading the effort. All proceeds will benefit NH Seacoast Veterans who need assistance paying ...
/ Misc.
I really don't like the cold, but when it snows, the outdoors is a magical place to be. We went for a walk in the woods Sunday morning. It was just after our first significant snowfall of the season. Every tree and limb was covered in a frosting of white. I'm not sure ...
When members of my home town’s community Facebook page started posting photos of moose in their backyards and on local roads, my son George and I took the woods to see if we could find a moose of our own. George’s intent was to find freshly shed moose antlers. Since ...
/ Misc.
Like you, I sometimes struggle with big decisions. And for the past six months or so, I’ve been wrestling with some really important decisions. I’ve been trying to figure out how to make more space for what makes my heart soar, which is painting and creating beautiful and meaningful art ...
/ 2021 plan, Misc., Sacred Messengers
I am excited to welcome in the New Year. Making the decision to focus on art and painting has reinvigorated me and added a whole new sparkle to my life. To those of you that purchased original paintings or art prints, your actions gave my dream wings!  I am deeply grateful, ...
I'm anxious about the outcome of the election and worried what might happen if my guy doesn't win. I'm not alone. Tensions are high as we all wait for the outcome of the election. Yet if I allow myself to continue this way, I'll be heading down the slippery slope of anxiety and fear. Last night I was watching ...
Sometimes I feel like Waldo, you know that character that people are looking for but can’t find and so they ask, “Where’s Waldo?” Okay, maybe you’re not looking for me. But during the last seven years I’ve moved six times and lived in three different states. For a person who ...
/ Spiritual
Sometimes we all need a little reminder to welcome delight back into our lives. I received my reminder in a gem of book entitled “The Gentle Way” by Tom T. Moore. The book is an invitation and a mini manual on how to reconnect with one’s guardian angel. It was also an affirmation of the messages ...
Our thoughts create our feelings. Our feelings (emotions) create energy. That energy creates a sensation in our body that is meant to move us into action or move through us. Emotions such as determination or inspiration typically move us into action. Other emotions like sadness and grief need to move through ...
And the Yellow Light is the Trickiest, Here's Why... Many clients have told me, “I can’t trust myself anymore to pick the right romantic partner, job or next step.” Oh but you can! In the Reiki Release Method, I’ve taken these clients back to when they met the guy, considered the ...
Doing “a little bit everyday” can change your life for the better. It’s changed mine and it’s given birth to something totally unexpected. Let me back up a bit. Prior to COVID isolating, on February 25th to be exact, I started a goal to paint a little bit every day ...
Get out of here! Literally. Get out of from behind your computer, smartphone or TV, and go outside. Breathe in the fresh air. Listen to the birds chirp. Look up at the blue sky. Hug a tree. Lie on the grass and watch the clouds float by. Look for shapes ...
Control is a funny thing. We think we have control when most of the time we don’t. We have no control over the world, the coronavirus, the economy, people isolating at home or not, or when we die. Fear makes us want to control things. When we’re afraid we mistakenly ...
An Introduction to Managing Your Mindset with The Model From a very young age, I had this sense that the mind is the key to success in life, that it was a powerful force that could fuel our success or hold us back. In fact, I have this big blue ...
I want you to know that it’s okay to be happy. It’s okay to feel joy. It’s okay to feel peaceful. It’s okay to feel deep gratitude and appreciation for early blooming flowers, a clear blue sky, your fur babies, and loved ones. It’s okay to feel good. ...even now, ...
The “I Don’t Know” Block How to Get in Touch with Your Inner Truth After hundreds of intuitive readings and coaching sessions, I've learned that when a client keeps telling me "I don't know" it means that they're wrestling with a decision that feels very risky. What I learned in ...
A simple but effective tip for easing morning anxiety Are you struggling with more fear these days? You are definitely not alone. I myself have times when I feel like I can ride the wave of the Coronavirus while other times I tumble head first into the turbulent surf. When ...
Making Tough Decisions One of my friends is having to make some tough decisions at an important juncture in her life. I'm doing what any good friend would do. I'm holding space while she figures out what she really wants. She's super smart and capable so I know she'll figure ...
What if you aren’t falling behind?What if you are exactly where you are supposed to be? What if you are making exactly as must progress as you need to? What if you are amazing just the way you are? What if you don't need to do anything more or being anything ...
Negative Emotions are Not Bad Some nights when I don’t feel like watching a TV show, I’ll peruse YouTube to learn something new and pickup a few tips on fashion, eating healthy, marketing or spirituality. I also collect videos that my young cat Charlie likes to watch. I know this ...
How do you spend your free time? While watching hours of Netflix isn't necessarily a bad thing (I'm currently hooked on Grey's Anatomy), did you know that having a hobby can be immensely healing? A hobby is a regular activity we do just for the pleasure of it, such as ...
The Emotion No One Likes to Talk About Did you ever read the Harry Potter Series? Our avoidance of talking about this emotion reminds me of the Harry Potter story. My son was ten years old when the first book in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was ...
An Introduction to How to Sense Energy Did you know that almost anyone can develop the ability to sense and channel energy, including you? Why would you want to do this? Learning to sense and work with energy has many benefits. It can help you: Increase your personal energy levels ...
Negative Thinking and the Thought Ladder Yesterday morning it was a beautiful sunny day in Sedona, Arizona but my thoughts were dark and cloudy. Every have one of those days? Yay, me too. I didn’t like how I was feeling, which was sad and discouraged. The medicine I have my ...
Start your day off right with a morning routine With some tips and ideas to get you started. A few years ago, I was driving cross country from Sedona to the Outer Banks, with my dog Sienna and my cat Smeagol (who has since passed). I love to travel but ...
Four ways we slow the flow of Reiki and how to shift it. In practicing and performing Reiki, we’ve all made these mistakes at one time or another. They are well intentioned and come from a place of eagerness and wanting to make a positive difference in the world. Despite ...
Notice what you notice. Everything is speaking to you. On today’s morning walk I noticed a variety of seedpods hanging from the trees in my neighborhood. Big seedpods in the shape of bananas, fading from lime green to brown. Long, pencil-thin seedpods. And, clusters of smaller seedpods we called “helicopters” ...
/ Misc.
When life has lost its shine, doing a few simple things to redirect our focus can help us get back on track and back in our "joy" zone. Try these out, and if you find them helpful, download the free printable at the bottom of this email. Loving Self-Care. Lift ...
What It Really Means to Follow Your Bliss, Find Your Life Path, and Live Your Soul’s Purpose By Natalie Eve Marquis I want to talk about what it means to Follow Your Bliss, because most of us have got it all wrong. First, I’ll share a quick illustrative story, and ...
How to Break the Curse of Negative Beliefs The truth about curses, negative core beliefs and limiting beliefs, and what to do about them.  By Natalie Eve Marquis, RMT, CH During a recent mediumship reading, a woman asked me if I could sense a curse around her. I honestly did ...
I am captivated by dreams, symbols and repeating patterns. Why? Because I believe this is one of the ways our higher self tries to communicate with us. It’s not a language of words and sentences but rather of feeling and imagery. And way more often then we realize, there is ...
/ Intuition
I recently received this email asking what do we call it when energies or entities move through us. Here is the email: "I just found your information on google on 'The Eight Clair Senses'.  I have read up on these but feel like what I do/or have doesn't fit into ...
“If you can’t be with the one you love, honey, love the one you’re with.” The lyrics from this song always felt a bit icky to me. They seem to be saying, “If you can’t have sex with the one you love, have sex with the one you’re with. The ...
Understanding the Wisdom of Resistance, the “Red Light” in the Healing Process. I bump up against resistance quite often in my healing sessions with clients. This might seem surprising. The client is here with me because they want healing support. So why is some part of them resistant to healing? ...
I'm on a quest to live my best life. I know it’s a trendy phrase but I like it. I like it because the emphasis is on designing a life that's best for me, a life that I love. I finally figured out that my life purpose isn't to live ...
How the Reiki Release Method can Help you Heal Your Wounded Inner Child  If you met the woman sitting across from me you’d envy her. Jessica* is a beautiful brunette, thin, smart, sweet, happily married and CEO of a very successful company. Really what’s not to envy?! She’s come to ...
In my work as an intuitive healer, I’ve discovered that many of my clients have a wounded inner child. Unless you enjoyed a completely ideal childhood, chances are you have a wounded inner child as well. The wounding occurs when we experience trauma at a young age that results in ...
Not afraid to take big leaps The truth is I’ve always been a person who is comfortable with taking big leaps. I’ve enthusiastically leapt into new jobs, new businesses, and new creative endeavors. Many of my leaps have made absolutely no sense to the outside world. My former brother-in-law once ...
One of my teachers used to say, "There's no such thing as a bad question." I've learned that's just not true. Well, it's actually is true in the classroom, but it's definitely not true in life. In a class, whether we're teaching five years olds or fifty year olds, a ...
An unseemly by-product of today's spiritualism is that we mistakenly believe we must be all love and light, all the time. We don't give ourselves time to fully feel our less desirable feelings because we need to keep our vibe up. In fact, the most natural way to get your ...
A few months ago, I did a reading for a woman who wanted some insight on a couple of new romantic relationships. She was upset that her primary romantic interest was not communicating despite the fact that she’d texted him five times that morning. She asked me to see if ...
I hope you're enjoying the Fall weather now that the intense heat and summer eclipses are behind us. But don't get too comfortable because Venus Retrograde is just around the corner! Is it just me, or does it seem like there's one retrograde after another? The social media posts are ...
What to do if you feel drained after Reiki sessions... A few strategies to supercharge your energy This article addresses why we sometimes feel drained after giving Reiki. Why Reiki is not the cause. And a few suggestions on how to avoid feeling depleted after energy healing sessions. "Is there ...
Question Hi, I'm from Sri Lanka. My girl friend is suffering from leukemia and we went to a healing session here. They said that she is fine after the session and everything will be okay after 7 days. She is having all the hardships mentioned in this site afterwards and ...
/ Spiritual, waking up, you are God
What if it's not about lessons, separation and undoing the ego? What if we are already perfect, whole and complete? What if it's not about about forgiveness? Learning to forgive. Forgiving ourselves. Forgiving others.  What if at our core, there is nothing to forgive because we are already perfect love? ...
Better to fail daring greatly than never daring at all... I've frequently used this as a motto to inspire me to take big leaps, and I've taken quite a few big leaps! However, it strikes me that little leaps are just as important, and possibly just as daring. I recently ...
 I am a worrier. Although I’m far less anxious than I used to be, I still sometimes get caught up in a worry loop. When I do, it’s usually because I’m worried about the people I love. Like now, I’m worried about my sister. A recent retreat she attended peeled ...
During a morning hike several days ago, it hit me like a punch to the stomach that I have not always been a safe place for my friends to vent their feelings. I’ve unintentionally hurt or shamed them with comments that suggest their reaction to current events, whether personal or ...
Fear is such a sneaky thing. I know this from first hand experience. After a divorce in 2013, I told myself I was done being afraid of anything. I started dragging my fears out into the light one by one. I had shut down my intuition in my college days ...
Like many energy healers, I began by becoming attuned to and learning the Japanese style of energy healing called Reiki. In the traditional method of Reiki, we simply place our hands on an individual and channel spiritual life force energy. Most of us are taught how to channel Reiki energy ...
John Holland's book got me fired up over the nitty gritty details of how we intuit If you are a follower of mine, then you know that I am both a student and a teacher of intuition development. I’m student because I’m fascinated by the intuitive process and there’s always ...
How to Navigate the Human Imperfections in Spiritual Teachers I recently wrote an article encouraging those on the spiritual path to “Seek Safely Please.” The article cautions readers to refrain from blindly following any spiritual or self-help teacher but instead to trust their intuition and own personal connection to God ...
/ Spiritual
It truly saddens and troubles me when I hear of spiritual teachers not living up to their spiritual teachings. It is extremely disappointing and disheartening. ...Three adults died during a sweat-lodge ceremony, led by a self-help coach and author. ...A healer known to work miracles while in a trance, is ...
By Natalie Eve Marquis, RMT, CH, Intuitive Energy Healer & Coach Some mornings as I brush my teeth and put on my makeup, I listen to a TED Talk or a spiritually oriented YouTube video. The other morning I was listening to a talk by Zain Asher when she said ...
It's been a long journey healing the wounds behind food addiction ... dozens of diets, years of counseling, lots of exercise programs, lap-band surgery in 2008 that worked for a few years and then failed, Whole30, Paleo,  and so on. What I learned along the way is that it’s not ...
Or ... Why Rejection No Longer Hurts Me I just discovered about a dozen or more emails that I never received through my art licensing website. My fault entirely as I had pretty much abandoned the site at the time of my divorce. I corrected the form's setup this morning ...
How to Successfully Navigate the In-Between Time of Goal Achievement by Natalie Eve Marquis, RMT, CH Whether your goal is to lose weight, start a new business, get a new job, or live your life purpose, your success in achieving that goal rests on how well you manage the “in-between” ...
/ Energy Wellness, Healing, Reiki
Energy Medicine: Two Branches of Energy Medicine and the Basic Healing Formula by Natalie Eve Marquis, Reiki Master Teacher & Master Hypnotist Energy Medicine is a word coined by three researchers who gathered at Boulder, Colorado, USA in the late 1980s. It is defined as any energetic or informational interaction ...
First, it's important to know that as energy medicine practitioners and healers, the manner in which we intuitively sense energy imbalances is as varied and unique as our personalities. This is because intuitive information can come through our five primary senses as well as our physical body and mind (see the 8 ...
The beauty of Reiki energy healing is that it gently amplifies and supports your natural ability to heal on all levels; mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Reiki wakes up and rebalances your innate healing resources, supporting the healing of acute and chronic disease as well as anxiety, fatigue, depression, addictions ...
A friend recently recommended Reiki energy healing. Your doctor also thinks it might help. You’ve heard of it before but what the heck is it? Reiki is a form of energy medicine. Energy medicine is based upon the belief that changes in the "life force" of the body, including the ...
/ Healing, Spiritual
When your heart breaks open it's an indescribable experience. It's almost impossible to put into words. Almost, I say because there's a book that did an amazing job doing just that. I'll tell you a little about that book plus I'm going to share a story about how the Divine ...
The Truth About Taking Flight In New Directions For years now, I had been yearning to live life in flow with Spirit. Less force, more grace. Less striving, more yielding. Less left brain analytical planning and more right brain intuitive receptivity. Less distraction, more connection. And much more working from intuition ...
For a short time, I was a star pupil in a productivity workshop being sponsored by a former manufacturing employer. I was enthusiastic, did the exercises, and participated in the discussions. However, one question near the end of the workshop obliterated my star pupil status. Her question was, “When push ...
The New Year has some really BIG changes in store for me. I got news just before the holiday that my large contract client hired a full-time internal person and will no longer need my services come the end of January. This has been my primary source of income for ...
/ Personal Growth
Meets: Monday nights, starting August 29, 2016 Time: 7:00 - 9:30pm Place: (VOC)  Sedona, AZ 86351 Fee: FREE, Can’t beat that! Who is Meet Your Muse for? You’re ready to give your creativity wings but you could use a little help in cultivating an ongoing commitment to writing. Rather than make ...
Metatron - Chakra Clearing  by Natalie Eve Marquis, CHT There are some powerful energetic shifts going on around us in the world today. No matter how big or scary the shifts seem, Archangel Metatron wants us to know he has our backs and that all of these shifts are simply ...
/ Intuition, intuition, Spiritual
This is a very short story about intuition... One cold winter's day in New Hampshire, I accidentally let my son’s beloved black and white bunny, Oreo, out of his pen. Oreo dashed out into the horse pasture. I desperately chased after it, trying to catch it. Just when I’d get ...
Sacred Messengers #2: Learn three ways to know if the universe/spirit is communicating with you. This is a video series about Sacred Messengers, the methods, signs and symbols that the divine uses to answer our prayers and communicate with us. Explore and follow the Sacred Messenger Video Series Register for ...
Sacred Messengers: A brief introduction to Sacred Messengers and what they are. Sacred means coming from Spirit. A Messenger is a person (or animal, sign, symbol, etc.) that carries a message. A Sacred Messenger is the "one" who brings you a message from Spirit. This is a video series about ...
The path to spiritual growth is full of choices. Little choices I make every day that add up to greater and greater levels of understanding and enlightenment. The choices I make are where my spirituality hits the road, so speak. It’s where I put my spirituality into action. I pray every ...
The first time I heard the word “devoted” paired with “spiritual” I fell in love with the phrase. Devoted means that you love something, you have lots of enthusiasm for it, and that you are committed, dedicated, loyal and faithful to it. Phew, when you read all of the things ...
/ dating, Spiritual, spirituality
I started dating a little over a year ago. This was following a surprise divorce after being married just short of 29 years. I took a year and a half off from relationships to grieve and heal, using some of this time to get clear about what type of partner ...
The Many Ways Reiki Can Help Your Mind, Body & Spirit By Natalie Eve Marquis, C.Ht. Reiki is a beautiful form of energy healing that is versatile, gentle, and effective. It has also been in use for almost 100 years. A Japanese method of healing, Reiki uses life force energy to heal ...
/ Healing, Intuition, Spiritual
Tips for Deepening Your Connection to the Angels By Natalie Eve Marquis, C.Ht. If you’re like me you have no problem remembering to ask the Angels for support for the big stuff, “Please help my Mom’s surgery go smoothly.” Or, “Guide me to a new home that is perfect for ...
/ Intuition
The 8 Clair Senses: The Spiritual Psychic Senses Much like you have five physical senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling, did you know we each have the ability to experience or develop eight “clair” senses or spiritual psychic senses? If you are interested in developing your intuition it may be ...
Some folks are born with highly developed athletic or artist skills, while others are born with one or more well-developed clair senses or intuitive skills. Aside from being born with heightened psychic abilities, intuitive skills can be strengthened and developed. There are also many documented stories of individuals experiencing one or more of the ...
/ Healing
The Past Life Playshop ... A Fun Way to Heal I've encountered quite a few clients that are nervous about having a past life regression. They're concerned they might flunk being able to access a past life, that they won't be able to "do it" or "see anything." Some are ...
In an effort to make my work more accessible to people that live in West Sedona, Cottonwood, and beyond, I'm offering session at Unity of Sedona on 65 Deer Trail Dr, Sedona, AZ 86336 on Thursday afternoons during the month of January 2016. I also provide sessions from my home ...
Our life journey is a path of learning and healing. It is a journey towards remembering who we really are: one with the Divine and therefore one with Love, Joy, Abundance and Bliss. I came across these concepts while preparing for a new workshop retreat. I think the 8 Concepts beautifully summarize the healing ...
My friend Karen A. shared this with me and I just had to share it with you! Karen: This is a passage from James Twyman who is a healer.  He travels the world and arranges groups to sing to bring up the vibration of an area. I liked what he ...