New Insight on Competing versus Creating

By Natalie Eve Marquis, RMT, CH, Intuitive Energy Healer & Coach

Some mornings as I brush my teeth and put on my makeup, I listen to a TED Talk or a spiritually oriented YouTube video. The other morning I was listening to a talk by Zain Asher when she said something that got me all excited. She said, “I don’t believe in competition.

Okay that part didn’t get me excited. I heard that before and I believed it.

But the next thing she said triggered a whole bunch of light bulbs going off in my head. She said,

“I don’t believe in competing, I believe in creating.”

As you read that, did you feel a shift?

I did

But maybe not for the reasons you think…

The laws of the universe…

Like most Law of Attraction practitioners, I stopped buying into the concept of competition many years ago. Thanks to Abraham Hicks and the like, I understood that it’s our vibration that attracts clients and abundance. I don’t have to wrestle you for clients. Rather the clients that resonate with your energy will gravitate, like a moth to a flame, to you and those that resonate with me, will come to me. I’m also a student of metaphysics and we don’t believe in competition either. How can we believe in lack, when God and the Universe are ever expanding and abundant?

I have my healing moments too…

While I no longer believe in competition, I have to be honest and say that, every so often, I still feel a twinge of lack or envy when I encounter a person that appears to be more talented or successful than I am. Hey, I’m human! Luckily I have new, more empowering skills at my disposal. So rather side step into jealousy or depression, I simply recognize these feelings of lack and envy as an aspects of myself that need healing, then I do the inner work to heal it. But I digress….

Taking it up another notch…

When I heard Ms. Asher say, “I don’t believe in competition.” I thought, “Yep, I don’t either.” But when she stated, “I don’t believe in competing, I believe in creating.” I thought, “What? …Wow!!!”

I believe in creating… Creates a new reality

What clicked or came together in that moment is something that I remembered from a couple of spiritual teachers, in which they remind us that when we pray for healing, God is not going into our bodies and removing the sickness or mending our bones. Rather, what happens, is that we, as the powerful divine beings that we are, CREATE a new reality. If our our current reality and experience is sickness. Then the new reality we create is a healthy body. The journey between sickness and wholeness can be instantaneous if our belief system is strong enough. This is why Jesus could instantly heal the sick and raise the dead. Nothing separated him from his God aspect.

I Can Raise the Dead … Well Maybe Not Yet

I know this is a lot to grasp, and especially to believe. While I understand it and believe it intellectually, I am still very much a student of these concepts. I find it difficult, and kind of freaky, to think I could raise the dead. But I have no problem believing that I CREATE, say … more clients, more opportunities to travel, or more fun. I really like this fresh perspective.

Based on the rest of Ms. Asher’s talk, I believe she meant this in a very concrete way …that she creates success through her own self-devised opportunities. Rather than wait for things to happen to her, she makes her own luck by taking creative action. I whole-heartedly agree with this. I’ve done this and experienced the benefits. For example, early in my career I wrote a letter to the executive director of local home care agency suggesting that her organization would make much more progress if they had an internal marketing director. I even went so far as to provide a job description for the new marketing director and suggested myself for the position. A few weeks later, I got the job! I created a opportunity where one didn’t previously exist.

Our thoughts and emotions create our reality

What clicked for me this time, though, was the impact of this statement at a metaphysical level. Metaphysically, it reminds me that our thoughts create reality and to use my mind and the fuel of my emotions, to visualize the reality I want to experience, such as an abundance of clients who value and benefit from my services, or a deeper connection with God, or a delicious meal (I’m currently fantasizing about the leftover lasagna in my refrigerator, lol).

When you choose your words, you choose your vibration…

The flip side of this is that the word “competition” typically elicits a low vibration response, usually fear or anxiety. Fear of not being able to get, keep or have enough of whatever it is we want. According to Dr. Hawkins, author of Power vs. Force, fear has an energy level of 100. If we want to create less fear and more positive experiences, we need to move ourselves up the vibration scale towards better feeling concepts like creativity, cooperation and collaboration.

Also, if “what we focus on expands,” then by focusing on “competing”, we are creating more experiences where we need to compete. Yuck.

The good news is that when we turn our focus away from competing to creating, our energy shifts to a higher vibration, which attracts better feeling experiences.

Competition = low vibration

Creating = high vibration

But don’t take my word for it. Try these statements on by repeating them to yourself and notice how they feel in your body:


  • How can I compete for more clients?
  • How can I compete for more perceived value than my competition?
  • How can I compete for more visibility than my competition?



  • How can I create opportunities for clients to experience my services?
  • How can I create value for my clients?
  • How can I create visibility so clients can find me?
  • How do I create experiences where I get paid to be me?

The later statements feel different, don’t they? They feel more expansive and empowering. Yay! And, when we feel empowered and expansive, we are energetically moving up the vibration scale. Double Yay!!

They say succeeding in business is 20% skill and 80% mastering our mental game. I am grateful for this new perspective that helps me manage my inner game in a more empowering way. My experience is that when I feel emotionally crappy, it is because I am thinking something that is not in alignment with Divine Source. By shifting my focus from competing and to creating, I feel better, and as a result, I am more likely to think and act in accordance with my divine heritage, which is joy, bliss and abundance.

Suggested Affirmations:

I joyfully create an abundance of opportunities to share my gifts and be of service to the world.

I joyfully create an abundance of clients who value and benefit from my work.

I joyfully create abundance in every area of my life.

About  Natalie Eve Marquis, CH, RMT

Natalie Eve Marquis, RMT, CH, is heart-centered Reiki Master Teacher and energy healer, Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Professional Psychic, and Heart & Soul coach.

Her unique Reiki Release® method helps pinpoint and release the root causes of your emotional blocks and negative beliefs so you can heal, transform and live your best life ever!

You can work with Natalie by phone/web. Visit: Natalie Eve Marquis LLC/ or call/text (603) 642-4949.