I Love Retrogrades, Said No One Ever.

I hope you’re enjoying the Fall weather now that the intense heat and summer eclipses are behind us. But don’t get too comfortable because Venus Retrograde is just around the corner!

Is it just me, or does it seem like there’s one retrograde after another? The social media posts are beginning to feel like weather forecasts for hurricane season. Just when we breath a sigh of relief that one retrograde has passed another one is sneaking up on us.

Here are some points to ponder about retrogrades:

  • Yes, in fact, there is a planet in retrograde every month of this year(!), except for January and February. Don’t believe me? Check it out Retrograde Planets – 2018.
  • Not all retrogrades are hurricanes, sometimes they are just cloudy days and an opportunity to snuggle up indoors by the fire with a hot cup of tea and a pretty journal. “When a planet is Retrograde our energy tends to turn inward. During this inward phase, we have the opportunity to review or reflect our ‘inner-self’ as it relates to the past.” Now that doesn’t sound so bad does it? Read “How does a Retrograde planet affect us?”

Here’s my strategy for sailing (or tripping) through retrogrades

I have to admit, a little part of me winces when I see another retrograde coming. My goal is to stop doing that! In the mean time, I’m treating news about planetary retrogrades much like I do forecasts about the weather:

(1) I check to see what the opportunities or challenges might be. I do not stay glued to every station forecast! I read one or two and then I’m done.

(2) I remind myself that just like a daily horoscope reading, it’s a very general prediction. It is not a detailed indication of how my (or your) life will unfold. But in case you’re curious, here’s the scoop on how the Venus Retrograde effects each sign.

(3) While some major weather storms have brought down trees or flooded streets, most of the time even the biggest storms have had very little impact on me personally. Day to day life – it’s thankfully pretty normal.

(444) And, here’s the one I’d like to believe the most… My higher God-self knows the way through sunshine, cloudy days, hurricanes, and retrogrades. In fact, it looks forward to them all equally because it knows it is everything and it commands them all! Okay, I’m definitely not there yet. But I’m working on it 🙂

What do you think about retrogrades? Has the location of all the planets made you feel like you’ve been grounded for bad behavior? Or, do you wonder what all the fuss is? Perhaps, you are somewhere in between? Drop me note, I’d love to know how you feel about this.


Natalie's Signature


  1. Maureen Coyle | 9th Oct 18

    When I first started paying attention to astrology, the overwhelming consensus on retrogrades was to take cover and expect chaos. So, I adapted that mindset because that’s what I was being fed. Now, still very much a novice to astrology, I see and feel retrogrades much differently.

    I now have a deep respect for retrograde periods. Yes, I still back up my electronics and expect miscommunications during mercury’s time and expect deep examination of shadow and evolutionary revalations of soul aspects and societal control during Pluto’s. I brace myself for the energetic intensities of retrograde, but I welcome the time to go inward.

    Retrogrades can be scary for those who dislike change and/or inner work. To take cover during a retrograde, so to speak, is to deny yourself the energies of the cosmos. With reverence, I enter a retrograde period, armed with useful information about the planets, the signs, and overall themes. It is as natural as the moon breathing rhythm into our ocean tides as it is for a retrograde planet to stir up the emotional tides inside of us.

    Energetically, I can feel the tensions of this spiritual battle that has been going for a while. It is so intense right now that the air is one Kavanaugh moment away from physically crackling. This rx is no joke, but it is divinely timed. It is here to light this world on fire and/or illuminate this world and all of its shadows before dowsing the flames with water. Out of the ashes, a pheonix does rise. Transformation time.

    Venus stationing retrograde in Scorpio is especially potent for me. It is my Venus return- born in peak Libra season, while its ruler, Venus, was in Scorpio. Intense energies are flooding my reality, past timelines are surfacing, my relationships (beyond just people- with food, time, work, money, love etc) are all being analyzed and reworked. Old flings have popped up, reminding me of who I was and allowing me the chance to flex my new relationship to myself. An old friend reappeared after years, making me aware of pain I thought I had healed. I am in the eye of this storm for sure, but I know I will come out of it better. Hopefully society will too.

    • Natalie Eve Marquis | 10th Oct 18

      Hi Maureen,

      Although my article was a bit tongue in cheek, I whole heartedly agree that Retrogrades are a powerful and opportune time to go within and do inner work. As humans, we sometimes forget that we are part of larger system – the cycles of the seasons, the planets, and so on. For years I ignored all of this. Following my divorce in 2013, one of my goals was to learn to move through life with less force and more flow, and so like you, I now stay curious and open about these cycles and do my best to align with them. I guess you could say I’m learning to ride the waves, rather swim up stream. Thank you writing in, I appreciate your thoughtful comment and insights.

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