The Wisdom of Seedpods

Notice what you notice. Everything is speaking to you.

On today’s morning walk I noticed a variety of seedpods hanging from the trees in my neighborhood. Big seedpods in the shape of bananas, fading from lime green to brown. Long, pencil-thin seedpods. And, clusters of smaller seedpods we called “helicopters” when I was kid. Nature has it’s own design, and so do we. Inside each seedpod are seeds that contain the blueprint for how that tree will take form and express itself in the world. It dictates whether it will be a tall spindly tree or a short bushy tree. Whether it will have smooth or rough bark. Whether it needs lots of water like a Willow or will thrive with very little water like the Mesquite tree.

The environment the seed lands in significantly impacts the tree’s ability to grow into its full expression. If the environment has too much or too little of what the tree inherently needs (water, sunlight, space, etc.) the tree’s growth can be stunted or malformed. No matter what gets in the tree’s way, the tree always grows towards the light, even it if has to grow sideways, or up over rocks.

As I become more deeply aware of nature, I find so much loving wisdom in it. I too came from a “seed”, with my own built in design. Despite my environment and all the challenges I’ve faced or created, I too am always growing towards the light and my fullest expression.

The wisdom of the seedpod tells me I don’t need to strive or worry so much about finding my path and figuring out how to live my best life …the design is already within me. I came into the world with it. It’s not out there. It’s right in here, inside me.

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About Natalie Eve Marquis

An intuitive healer and teacher, Natalie’s mission is to help people break free from fear and enjoy life to the fullest. She is the founder of the Reiki Release® Emotional Healing Method, a powerful process that pinpoints and releases the root cause of emotional blocks and negative beliefs. Natalie teaches all levels of Reiki certification both online and in person. She also provides a variety of fun and informative workshops on intuition development, past life healing, dreams and symbols, personal growth, and more.