We Must Take Our Light Into the Dark

An unseemly by-product of today’s spiritualism is that we mistakenly believe we must be all love and light, all the time.

We don’t give ourselves time to fully feel our less desirable feelings because we need to keep our vibe up. In fact, the most natural way to get your vibe back up is to fully feel your feelings, let them run full cycle. Sit with them and hear the wisdom they have to share. They are telling you where your actions, thinking patterns, or boundaries are out of alignment. But I digress…

“Can you let your life’s pain guide you to purpose as much as your joy? Is it trying to? What would happen if you let your empathy for others suffering guide you to your Destiny instead of your desire to only feel good?” ~ Robert Ohotto

We also turn our gaze away from the bad stuff in life. “I don’t want to lower my vibe by consuming too much negativity.” Too much? What many have done instead is completely tune out – unfriend the contrary opinion, never watch or read the news, and stand far, far away from the friend who is experiencing one tragedy after another, as if you could catch her tragedies like cooties.

I’ve been guilty of shunning my feelings and/or rushing too fast to a happier perspective, and sometimes I’ve tuned out all the crap that’s going on in the world. But only until I recharge my batteries, then I’m back at it.

“Destiny often asks us to look at things we don’t want to or like. Why? Because you just might miss your ‘Call’ if you don’t.” ~ Robert Ohotto

We are not being spiritual when we are hiding or running away. This is what they call a spiritual by-pass. And, it’s not spiritual to only think love & light, we have DO love and light.

For me, my spirituality is a source of strength and power. What better way to use that strength and power then to stand and hold my ground, or bring my light into the muck and mire?

“It can be ok to speak of darker truths and look at the World’s pain – it won’t ‘throw off your vibe’, in fact it just might open your heart to what you are born to give.” ~ Robert Ohotto

With all that’s wrong in the world, it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to begin. Begin anywhere. Begin with one tiny step. Register to vote. Volunteer at a shelter. Sit and hold space for a troubled friend. Write letters to political leaders and big corporations.

Stretch your spiritual muscles. Stretch your comfort zone. Take a stand. Hold your ground. Bring your light into the world.

If we run from the darkness, it gathers and grows.

Instead, let us bring our strength, wisdom, power, love and light into the places of injustice, corruption, and greed.

“In helping someone else you reconnect to the larger forces of Life because in the act you acknowledge that YOU ARE LIFE. As you act as someone else’s miracle you become your own.” ~ Robert Ohotto

Where light gathers the darkness fades.


Natalie's Signature

More to Explore

Read Robert Ohotto’s insightful and thought-provoking article Spiritual Perfectionism vs. Your Calling.

Spiritual Perfectionism vs. Your Calling