Develop a Relationship with Your Angels

Glow-Folk-Art-Angel-by-Lisa-LecturaTips for Deepening Your Connection to the Angels

By Natalie Eve Marquis, C.Ht.

If you’re like me you have no problem remembering to ask the Angels for support for the big stuff, “Please help my Mom’s surgery go smoothly.” Or, “Guide me to a new home that is perfect for me.” However, if we only ask the Angels for help for the big stuff, we’re missing a HUGE opportunity to bring more spiritual connection and magic into our lives. What’s more, working with Angels on a daily basis is a great way to increase your vibration. Your vibe determines what you attract into your life. If your vibration is low, you tend to attract negative circumstances and experiences. When your vibration is higher, you’re feeling good and attracting fun, expansive, enjoyable experiences.

Reach Out for Everything
The Angels want to help us with everything, nothing is too big or too small. But don’t just take my word on it. Ask the angels themselves! Better yet, consider developing a RELATIONSHIP with the Angels. They want to help and they want to be much more involved in our lives. How do I know this? Because when I’m doing intuitive readings, I call in angelic support and one of the most frequent suggestions they make to clients through me is “Reach out to us for everything. We love you and we want to help.” The depth and purity of their love is beyond words! You can experience this for yourself by developing a personal relationship with the Angels. Here are a few suggestions for developing a relationship with the Angels:

7 Steps to Developing a Relationship with Your Angels

  1. Pick one Angel. This might be an Angel that you’ve always been curious about or perhaps you need the special talent of a particular Angel. For example, if you want to break free of fear, work with Archangel Michael or if you’re having difficulty forgiving someone you might want to work with Angel Daniel.
  2. Get to know the Angel. There is a wealth of information about the various Angels on line and in books. I’ve included a few resources at the end of this article. However, BEFORE you read any material about angels, I encourage you to FIRST have your own inner dialogue with the Angel. My favorite way to do this, especially in the “getting to know you phase,” is to open my heart to the Angel, then with journal and pen ready, allow them to speak to me and tell me about themselves. Here’s how I do this:
    • Find a quiet place to sit.
    • Have a pen and journal ready.
    • Close your eyes and imagine the Angel before you.
    • Move your awareness to your heart. Think of someone or something that you love deeply. This might be a child, a pet or a partner. Allow that feeling of love to expand in your heart. Allow this feeling of love to expand beyond your heart to your whole body.
    • Invite the Angel to move into your heart center.
    • Notice how the Angel feels to you, then write down your impressions:
      • How does this Angel feel?
      • Do you have a sense of male/female energy?
      • What does the Angel look like? I sometimes get a very clear image of the Angel, while other times only one or two aspects of the Angel stands out. Whatever you “see” or don’t see is perfect for today.
      • Ask the Angel, “What do you like to help with?”
      • Note: When I say the Angels speak to me, I don’t hear them as a voice outside of my head; instead I sense their voice inside my head. I know it’s not my own thoughts because their “voice” has a unique personality that’s different from mine.
      • Do your best to suspend any judgment about whether you’re making things up or if the message is real. Just write down whatever impressions you get no matter how far fetched it seems.
      • Ask the Angel if It has a message for you and write down whatever impressions you receive
  1. Invite the Angel to work and play with you during the coming week. “Dear Angel _____ I give you open ended permission to guide, direct and support me during the coming week. Please send me signs so I know you’re with me.”
  2. Thank the Angel for merging with you today and for its love & support.
  3. Now you are free to read up and learn about the Angel from external sources such as books, DVDs, and websites.
  4. Growing a relationship takes time and attention, so be sure to spend a little time with the Angel through out the day. Just think of the angel and ask it to be with you and to guide and support you.
  5. Be open and aware to all the ways the Angel might reach out to you. Sometimes you become filled with an inner compulsion to do something like drive a different way to work. When you do, you see a “for rent” sign on a home. You were looking for a new home and this is the Angel’s way of guiding you to a potential prospect. Other times, the message is external. You may start noticing a certain word or phrase on a number of billboards, street names, or shop signs, for example.

In the beginning I asked the Angels to send me signs because I wanted reassurance that they were really working with me. Now I ask them for signs because I enjoy this form of external “dialogue” and it’s a fun way to keep the communication channels open.

Once you develop a relationship with a particular Angel and get to know It better, then you can move onto another Angel. I periodically work with Kimberly Marooney’s The Angel Blessing Kit. I pull an Angel card and work with that Angel for the week. As you get to know the various angels, you develop a powerful clan of light beings that you can call for love, guidance and support.


Archangels and Ascended Masters: A Guide to Working and Healing with Divinities and Deities by Doreen Virtue

The Angel Blessings Kit, Revised Edition: Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration Paperback by Kimberly Marooney