These Strategies Can Drastically Improve the Journey to a New You!

How to Successfully Navigate the In-Between Time of Goal Achievement

by Natalie Eve Marquis, RMT, CH

Whether your goal is to lose weight, start a new business, get a new job, or live your life purpose, your success in achieving that goal rests on how well you manage the “in-between” time, the no-mans land that exists between where you are now and where you want to be. The key is having strategies in place to support and help you make the in-between phase more productive, fun and enjoyable.

There are three basic phases to goal achievement – the beginning, middle and end. Most of us are really good at the beginning and ending phases. This is because the beginning and end phases are relatively easy and maybe even a little fun.

The Beginning…

Say your goal is to lose 25lbs. It’s fun to image the end result such as how good it will feel when you are no longer busting out of your jeans, can shop for regular sizes instead of plus sizes, and your cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels are in healthy ranges. You’ll feel healthier, more confident. Maybe you’ll take up tennis again or start dating!

The End ….

Imagining the end result is what motivates you to choose an action plan. It’s also a fun stage. Using the above example again, you get ready to put your goal into action by looking for a diet plan that will help you lose 25lbs. You might spend days, weeks, or even months, Googling diet plans, reading nutrition books, listening to podcasts, asking friends what worked for them and so on. Once you select a plan, you prepare by clearing out your cupboards, buying the right food for your eating plan and selecting a day to start the program. Considerable, but enjoyable, time has gone into just preparing for and beginning the diet plan.

The Middle….

In contrast to the light-hearted aspect of the beginning and ending phases, the middle or in-between period is work. It is a daily, and sometimes hourly, series of choices and action steps towards your new goal. It’s uncomfortable. It’s where our comfort zone is repeatedly stretched so we can move into a new version of ourselves.

Getting from where you are to where you want to be typically means breaking out of self-made ruts or habits. Think of the grooves on an old 45 record. You’ve made the same choices and taken the same kind of action over and over again for the past year or maybe years. Now you want to create a new habit or groove, which will mean making a new choice. A choice that is not as yet familiar or comfortable. And you have to make that new choice over and over again so as to move you out of the old groove and create a new track. You have to choose the grilled chicken and broccoli over the burger and fries, the protein shake over the donuts, and a piece of fruit or handful of nuts over the candy bar or chips, day in and day out for months, in order to create that healthier, slimmer new you.

It Doesn’t Have to Be an Uphill Battle

Unfortunately we tend to avoid thinking about this middle zone because it is the longest and most challenging phase, and if we think about it too long we might not even begin. This avoidance or denial doesn’t serve us in the long run, it makes us ill prepared to handle the challenges of the in-between phase. Your ultimate success rests on how well you navigate the in-between time, so it’s vitality important to have few strategies in place to support and motivate you during the transition.

Here are a few strategies to consider:

Everything is Better with a Buddy

Whenever I do a Whole30 nutritional reset, I reach out to family and friends for a diet buddy. When I lived in Sedona, I posted a notice in the “Sedona Locals” Facebook group. I explained I was looking for a “Whole30 Buddy” and briefly described the program. I quickly found a diet buddy and also made a life long friend. Having a buddy made me accountable to someone other than myself. It so also gave me something to look forward to as we met on a weekly basis to share challenges, successes, recipes, etc.

A Vision Board Can Be Your Guiding Light

A vision board can serve as a north star, a visual reminder helping you stay focused on your goal. It’s also a fun process of collecting images and words that symbolize how you’ll feel when you’ve reached your new goal, then pasting all these images and words on a large poster board. Once completed, hang your vision board where you’ll see it everyday, several times a day. It will remind you of all the reasons why it’s important to keep making new positive choices and taking actions towards your dream.

Drastically Improve Your Determination & Motivation with Energy Work

The reason many of us find it extremely challenging to get out of a rut, change a habit, or achieve a goal is because we have block emotions or negative beliefs that are dragging us down. The effect of blocked emotions is similar to a clogged sink drain. When a sink is clogged, the water drains in drips and drabs, causing the water in the sink become stagnant. When we remove the junk that is blocking the drain, the water flows powerfully and freely.

In a similar fashion, when we release blocked emotions, negative beliefs and other energetic drains on your system, your life force energy is free to move effortlessly and powerfully, giving you more energy and vitality to take action on your dreams.

In a nutshell, it will feel easier to achieve your goals. You’ll feel more optimistic and emotionally stronger. You might even notice amazing synchronicities start appearing to help you more easily move towards your dream. Once significant blocks are cleared, your determination and motivation to stick with your goal drastically improves!

Find a Good Coach or Therapist – Along the journey to a New You, you’ll regularly bump into the edge of your comfort zone. Having a good coach or therapist to check in with, will provide you with a place to vent, in a manner that allows you to air your grievances but not become stuck in them. A coach or therapist also brings a fresh perspective and tools and strategies to help you move through whatever uncomfortable feelings or old mental programming bubbles to the surface.

  • Consult your local chamber for a life coach or ask your doctor to refer you to a reputable therapist.

Reward Yourself for Little Successes Along the Way

Massage therapy, reflexology, manicures/pedicures, and personal days off to read, explore a new place, or do something fun all are wonderful ways to nurture, reward and pamper yourself during your journey to a new you.

With a Support Plan in Place, the Journey to a New You Can Be a Lot More Fun

If you are just kicking off your goal or having to course correct, take some time to plan for the in-between phase of your journey. The middle phase doesn’t have to trip you up or be an uphill battle. With a little thoughtful planning, you’ll find the journey from where you are now to where you want to be can be a lot more enjoyable and maybe even a little fun!

Natalie Eve Marquis, heart & soul coachAbout Natalie Eve Marquis, RMT, CH

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the article. I specialize in working with people who want to grow and succeed in every area of their life. I’ve walked through the fires of life (sexual molestation, shaming, an 8-year battle with panic attacks, divorce, and more) and found many ways to not only survive but thrive. My goal is to wring every ounce of joy that life has to offer!  If you’re inspired to work with a coach and healer that lives and walks her talk, please call me at (603) 642-4949 or email me at Natalie @

Through the Wisdom Within LLC, Natalie provides Reiki energy healing, and hypnosis to help you pinpoint and release the root causes of your energy blocks and self-sabotaging beliefs so you can heal, transform and live your best life ever!  A 33-year marketing and design veteran, Natalie also supports service based businesses with marketing and design support to grow their business.

For more information visit: Natalie Eve Marquis LLC or Creative Leap International.




  1. Mary Jane | 13th Jan 18

    Natalie, wow, this is where I am, the, “in-between” thank you for sharing this. It clarifies so much for me.

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