I’m not alone.
Tensions are high as we all wait for the outcome of the election. Yet if I allow myself to continue this way, I’ll be heading down the slippery slope of anxiety and fear.
Last night I was watching a YouTube video interview of Georgina Noel, a mindset and intuitive business coach, and what she said jolted me awake so to speak. She said that our thoughts create our reality and we can’t create the reality we want from our current mindset.
Her words reminded me that when I allow myself to ruminate and worry over something, that fear activates the animal part of the brain. And, when the animal part of my brain is activated, it goes on hyper alert causing the reticular activating system (the brain’s Google search engine and filtering system) to start looking for even more problems of a similar nature.
The animal brain does this because it’s trying to keep me safe.
Most of the time, though, it just makes me feel anxious and miserable.
Feeling any of these?
It’s okay to feel these things. Yet we don’t want to stay in the muck. Because when we’re in the energy of the problem, we can’t see the solution. And, this is why we need to use our prefrontal cortex. It’s the part of the brain that is in charge of executive functions, so I like to call it the “Boss”.
Life gets better when we put the Boss (prefrontal cortex) to work.
We put the Boss to work when we tell our brains how we want to think and feel instead. I tell myself, “Okay animal brain, I see you’re worried about the election and you’re getting pretty clever at showing me all kinds of awful scenarios that could happen if things don’t go the way I want. But all this awful-izing is making me feel like crap. Here’s what I want you to focus on instead (the Boss is taking charge). I want to feel good. I want to feel like I can handle the outcome and be a force for positive change. I want to experience more peace, harmony, and respect for others and our planet. Brain, go look for more of that. Help me create more of that!”
The Boss loves a challenge. When I keep replacing my fearful thoughts with a positive directive, it activate the brains reticular activating system (RAS), and it starts finding more examples of this that already exist in my mind and life, and it helps me see where I can experience more of it in the world. It’s pretty cool really. But we have to consciously take charge of our mindset, which ultimately creates our emotional experience of our world.
Here’s my process step by step.
When we look at this way, the change that we want to see in America really does being in our minds’ first, and then when we take action, in our own little corners of the world. And, it eventually ripples out into the world.
I must admit that I don’t do this process perfectly, or even for that matter, consistently. Yet when I do, I find that each step in a more constructive direction helps me climb back up the slippery slope of a messy mindset.
And, when I do. I breathe easier, and oh boy, is the view better up here!
Wishing you peace and love,
PS: If you’d like to experience a deeper connection with the universe, check out my new guide, Sacred Messengers: How to Notice, Interpret and Work with Messages from the Universe. This 70-page guide is full of practical tips, strategies, worksheet exercises, and examples.