Six Typical Energy Problems And How to Heal Them

First, it’s important to know that as energy medicine practitioners and healers, the manner in which we intuitively sense energy imbalances is as varied and unique as our personalities. This is because intuitive information can come through our five primary senses as well as our physical body and mind (see the 8 Clair Psychic Senses). In general, however, the following are the typical energy problems we encounter and how they are perceived. I’ve included a “self-help” tip for each problem.

The Intuitive Scan

Most practitioners begin a healing session with an intuitive scan of the client’s energy system. This typically encompasses, but is not limited to, the seven main layers of the aura, chakras, and meridians, as well as getting a sense of any soul fragments, past life connections, karmic issues, negative belief patterns, and emotional blocks.

If you’re not a professional healer, and you’re working on your self, you can simply allow your awareness to scan your body from head to toe with a goal of intuitively sensing the problems and/or sensations described below. If your intuition isn’t highly developed you might sense only a slight difference in the energy such as heavy or dark versus light (weight or color).

If your intuitive skills are more developed, you might sense these issues a bit differently then described below. For example, for a rip or tear in the aura, you might be given metaphorical imagery such as a fan blowing air or you might feel a breeze across your skin when you’re scanning the aura. Remember, how we each receive intuitive information is as unique as our personalities, so be open to whatever you receive and take note of it.

The Six Typical Energy Problems – with Self Help Tips

  1. Rips or Tears in the Aura: These are often found over areas where emotional stress or physical trauma has been stored in the body. A rip creates significant energy loss and opens the individual to possible negative attachments or psychic attacks (angry barbs, ill will, etc.), which further exacerbates energy loss. If you or your client feel like they are unusually emotional or feeling emotional and physical pains that are not their own, a torn or ripped aura could be the cause.
    • Self-Help: Soak in a hot bath of with 2 cups of Epson salt for at least 15 minutes and/or thoroughly sweep your aura with a clear quartz crystal with the intention of sealing the rip with divine love and light.
  2. Cords of Attachment: Cords of attachment between you and another create an energy leak, depleting energy from your aura, chakras, and/or meridians. Cords may form between two people, or between a person and an animal, place, or object, when there are intense emotions like fear, worry, anger, or negativity in an interaction. Cords of attachment should not be confused with spiritual ties, which are of a high vibration and shine with unconditional love. Cords contract and drain energy, while spiritual ties enhance and expand energy.
    • Self-Help: Do a “cord cutting” exercise, such as the one my Cutting Cords of Attachment resource page.
  3. Energetic Debris: Energetic debris can feel like dirt or static in the aura or along the body. The individual’s energy might also feel scattered and ungrounded or hampered and stagnant.
    • Self-Help: Using your hands, wipe the energy off your body from head to toe. Flick your hands at the end of each swipe to rid yourself of the energy. Then visualize filling your aura and your body with pure source love and light.
  4. Holes in the Aura: A hole in the aura is similar to a rip or tear in the aura, except the energy loss and vulnerability to negative influences tends to be much greater. A hole feels “bigger” than a tear and is sensed as a pocket or path where the energy is pouring out.
    • Self-Help: Sense where the hole is and visualize filling it in with pure source love and light, see it being patched and sewn in whatever way you are guided to, then smooth it over with divine white light.
  5. Stagnant Energy: Energy has backed up and become heavy and dense, and this slows down or has blocked energy flow. Sensed as thick, dense or heavy pockets of energy.
    • Self-Help: Visualize the pocket of dense energy being sucked up and out to divine light or imagine the ocean flooding into the area dissipating it until it’s completely dissolved. Finish by sealing it in love & love.
  6. Energy Sludge: This problem area feels like thick and sticky black oil or sludge. The energy feels heavy, dense and extremely sluggish.

As a professional energy healer, I consider these energy problems to be “way-finders.” They point the way to where to the root cause of the problem, such as unprocessed emotions, negative beliefs, early childhood trauma, stress, and environmental toxins, have gotten stuck in the energetic body. With the practitioner and client focusing their collaborative awareness on these issues, we are able to bring them into the light for healing and transformation.

About Natalie Eve Marquis, RMT, CH

Natalie Eve Marquis is the founder of the Reiki Release Emotional Healing Method, a Reiki Master Teacher, Consulting Hypnotist, and a mixed media artist and painter of animal messengers.


  1. Tina Sutherland | 13th Oct 17

    I am a reiki ll practitioner, may I use some of your articles to pass along in my practice?

    • Natalie Eve Marquis | 15th Oct 17

      Hi Tina, Yes you may! I’m happy to hear you find them helpful. – Natalie

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