BAT as Sacred MessengerToday’s SACRED MESSENGER is the BAT. The BAT is an omen of change and a symbol of shamanistic death, releasing some part of you that no longer serves your higher calling, to make way for your higher self expression. The Bat uses an alternative sense (sonar) to navigate its world. The Universe is encouraging you to tune into the subtler vibrations around you to help you navigate this change. Close your eyes, what is heart saying to you right now? Now stretch your awareness beyond your body, what is the vibration around you? What impressions are you picking up that are just outside of your normal awareness? Hone in on that. What does it want you to know? The guidance and information you are seeking is all around you, you just have to tune-in differently than you may be used to, or you’ve been working with your intuition for a while, then spirit is encouraging you to tune-in to a much finer degree.