The Artist’s Calling

The Artist’s Calling…

For those of us who write, design, paint, perform and make art… creativity is a calling;

It’s a calling from the highest, purist part of yourself that knows & loves you and wants what is best for you.

When you answer the calling, you honor yourself and your gifts.

When you follow your heart and the whispers of the calling, it leads you to your greatest joy and fulfillment. Sometimes the calling asks you to step outside of your comfort zone and do seemingly impossible things.

Trust it.

Take its hand and do that which is scary or maybe feels too big or too much. If the calling is nudging you, then it’s for your highest good.

It will take you where you need to go.

You may not always know or see the results right away.

Sometimes, the calling’s path unravels in mysterious yet perfect ways.

Your path may not be like everyone else’s. Tune into your own wisdom & follow where it leads.

Sometimes we allow ourselves or other people to convince us that our calling is not worthy or as important as other aspects of our lives. Wake Up!

Wake up to the whispers of your heart.

If you are called; it IS important!

Your soul planted the seeds of this calling in your heart – to bring you joy and to serve the world.

Your calling is not only a gift you give yourself, it is your most sacred gift to the world.

And, the world NEEDS your gifts.

With love,

Natalie's Signature




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