Ten Benefits of Nurturing Your Intuition

Intuitive-Readings-Creative-Leap-Energy-HealingSome folks are born with highly developed athletic or artist skills, while others are born with one or more well-developed clair senses or intuitive skills.

Aside from being born with heightened psychic abilities, intuitive skills can be strengthened and developed. There are also many documented stories of individuals experiencing one or more of the clairs as they deepen their spiritual practice. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Buddhist Abhidhamma include specific practices that are said to lead to the development of psychic abilities. However, the psychic skills are not an end result in and of themselves but rather sign posts of spiritual development.

Intuition is an internal guidance system that we are all born with. However, some people trust their intuition and pay attention to their inner guidance more than others. Here are a few reasons why developing greater intuitive skills a good idea:

Ten Benefits of Nurturing Your Intuition

  1. Improves your decision making.
  2. Decisions become synced with one’s heart & soul.
  3. Reduces stress when solving or dealing with problems.
  4. Helps you avoid danger.
  5. Gain insight to the hidden truths about you and your life.
  6. Unleashes creativity and imagination.
  7. Negative emotions get processed more quickly (because you are aware of them, there is less stuffing down and ignoring the emotions only to erupt later as disease, stress, etc.).
  8. Integrates left and right brain functions, giving you a more complete perspective on issues.
  9. Improves physical, mental, emotional health.
  10. Improves your connection to God, Source Energy, Divine Love.

Click here for information on The 8 Clair Senses: A Visual Guide to the Spiritual Psychic Senses or explore additional resources on Intuitive Development.

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