A Single Feather

The Gift of a Feather

I received a present from the universe when I walked outside this morning. There, on the brick pathway that leads to my front door, was a beautiful feather. When I saw the feather, I immediately pondered the metaphysical meaning. The words “feather” … “bird” … “light” … “travel” flitted across my mind. The single feather feels like a blessing for my road trip. My SUV is packed and ready for the drive to Santa Fe this morning to visit a friend and explore the area.

The universe is  constantly communicating with us. Giving us clues as to what the day or next few days have in store for us. This morning‘s feather, along with several hot air balloons that created me on 89A, were joyful encouragement. Perhaps it’s a sign of the fun to come, or maybe it’s just me projecting into the Universe the joy I feel when I travel and visit friends. Either way, the feather and the hot air balloons make my heart smile.

The feather reminds me:

  • To appreciate serendipity and divine timing.
  • Releasing can be easy.
  • What I let go of can be a gift for someone else.
  • One feather helps the collective fly.