Sunflower and Allium 54 24 x 36


“These colorful and striking “Sunflower and Allium” paintings (#45 and #54) carry the numerological influence of the number 9. When paired as a diptych they amply the vibration of “9”. Nine is a reminder that endings are clearing the way for positive new beginnings.

Sunflowers are a symbol of beauty, delight, hope and joy. Their big “heads” always turn to face the sun for maximum exposure to sunlight. The Sunflower is a reminder that you have a built in inner compass guiding you to your greatest joy and purpose, you just have to be brave enough to let go of worn out paths and move in the direction of what lights you up. 

When you embrace endings and move in the direction of your dreams, the Allium flower brings the energy of good fortune, prosperity, humility, and patience.





Available as a Duo

Available as a diptych when paired with “Sunflower and Allium 45” painting. Price for the two together is $1,700. Please email me or text/call me at (603) 642-4949 if interested.