Love Poem 50 x 40


A small box of poems that I saved for over 40 years, was so precious that when I sold or gave away almost everything I owned in 2017, I kept it. The poems, some admittedly trite and over the top, are cherished for the feelings, hope, and desire, they captured when I was 16 to 20 years old. Most were about romance and love, but others were about how things like sunsets, snowfall, and morning mist, moved me – and how I felt God’s presence in all of it.

Recently, I sat back and re-read my poems and I liked the innocent, hopeful, and sensitive girl-woman I was back then. Amazed and grateful that 40-plus years later, the same things still move and inspire me, I realized that incorporating my poems into a painting would be a meaningful way to give them a new life, and in the process, perhaps become a beacon of love to enrich my own.

Meander over to this blog post to read about how the Love Poem painting evolved.
