Into the Fire Grey Wolf Painting 20 x 16


The wolf is here to guide us through the illusion of our fears. The red in the painting represents the root chakra, our sense of security and safety in the world. When we focus on our lacks and limitations they seem like a dark fiery forest that we must navigate. As we begin the journey to abundance we must be willing to walk through the fire to illuminate and burn away beliefs and aspects that do not serve us. The Grey Wolf is here to guide us safely on our path. It sees clearly through our false illusions. It is confident and instinctively knows the way. The birch trees serve as illuminaries, lighting the path. They encourage us to peel away the outer layer to reveal our essence and strength within. When you feel confused and unsure which direction to turn, remember you are not alone. The universe loves you -and has sent the birch and wolf to guide you and give you strength on your journey to abundance.

From the Fields of Abundance Series by Natalie Eve Marquis



Additional information

Dimensions 20 × 16 in