Fox Woman Painting 7 x 5


“Caring is Sharing”

If Fox has crossed your path you are being encouraged to trust your intuition, to know when to blend into your environment until more is revealed to you and when to step out and express yourself more freely. Fox helps you know who to trust. Fox also teaches you to use all of your senses to guide you so you can act quickly and decisively when the timing is right. Fox is intuitive, crafty and has the ingenuity to solve any problem. Its presence is letting you know that the solution to a seemingly insurmountable problem is within reach. The appearance of fox may also be an indication that it’s time to honor your boundaries and nurture yourself a little more.

From the Kachina Women Series by Natalie Eve Marquis

Purchase Options

  • Original Acrylic Painting on 7″ x 5″ Canvas Select below


Additional information

Dimensions 7 × 5 in

Art Print, Original Painting

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