Invoking the Muse

Where do ideas come from? Do they come from within or without? The answer is a little of both. I think “creative block” happens when we believe that all of our ideas come from within and we fear running out of inspiration or the ability to create anything at all.  Best selling author Elizabeth Gilbert suggests that some of our work may be the result of a Genius outside of ourselves. So, sometimes it’s all us. Sometimes it’s us and the Muse (or Genius). And, sometimes it’s a little of both.

It may sound corny but I’ve always pictured the source of all ideas to be an unending, ever abundant cosmic river. This cosmic river is absolutely teaming with new ideas, innovations and break-throughs. If we’re open to it, we can tap into it. We can partner with it. When we do, it whispers ideas in our ear. If we’re smart we run with them while they are still teaming with energy. If we choose not to, the river sweeps its juicy idea to the next “open” creative soul. Ever had an awesome idea and did nothing about it? Then, learned that someone else is now getting rich of your invention? I rest my case.

I encourage you to open yourself to the cosmic river of creativity, to welcome its partnership by inviting the muse to dance with you. Working together, you’ll never run out of ideas and your work will move to a whole new level.

Here is my personal invocation:

Invoking the Muse Prayer It is my intent to fully open myself to the creative spirit of the universe and allow its miraculous energy and joy to flow through me now. Inspire me, guide me and support me. Let the process be easy, effortless and joyful. Allow my creations to be infused with the vibrations of joy, hope and love so that all who witness my creations benefit from these good vibrations. Let it be this or something better. Your partner in joy and creation (fill in your name).