Inspired Action

I find that if an inspired idea hits me and I don’t take action then it fizzles out or gets run over by the million other ideas that are routinely streamlining through my brain.  So when a bunch of my friends encouraged me to share my Froggy Doodle designs, I got busy creating more.

It took me three weeks to create 12 designs. At which point I ran across an article about artist Kathy Davis and her new greeting card line. I learned about a whole new industry called art licensing in which an artist could create one piece of art and resell it to a variety of non-competing manufacturers to print on their products to make them more sellable.

Two years later I created over a 100 images of frogs, owls, roosters, snowmen and more and launched this art at the Surtex Art Licensing Show in 2013. I proudly gathered over 60 interested prospects at the show,

Unfortunately, life threw me an unexpected curve ball and my art took a back seat for 9 years. Not a day went by when I didn’t miss it. I was pondering how I could fit art back into my when I got another idea. What if I just painted a little bit every day and see where that takes me. That was February 2020. I ended painting a little bit every day for 105 days straight! This ultimately ignite a burning desire to make art the focus of my the next chapter of my life.

And, here I am still painting almost every day. Painting for the shear job and pleasure of it. And, also selling it too so other can enjoy it as well.

Inspiration fills us with excitement for a reason. The energy of excitement is meant to propel us into action. It wants us to expand and create things, so we can enjoy the thrill creation and bringing new things of beauty or thought-proving images and ideas out into the world.