Less Effort More Light

In my last chat I shared how “being the light” translates into every day life. Our true nature as divine beings IS love and light! This episode is loving reminder that “being the light” shouldn’t require hard work and efforting. It isn’t about trying to be more zen or working harder at being nicer. It’s about checking in with that divine aspect of ourselves as asking “how can I authentically express love and light in this moment?” If something is triggering me, then sometimes the one that needs love in that moment is myself! Perhaps I need space or to set boundaries or to speak my truth. I call on the Divine for wisdom and courage and then I do what’s necessary to love myself most fully in that moment. Once I’ve done that I’m much more empowered to be the light and love for someone else. Other times, it seems those around me are being triggered and I ask the same question, “How can I authentically bring more love and light to this situation?” Spirit works through us by using our natural gifts, talents and personalities, so it won’t feel like hard work. It’ll be you, inspired by Spirit, reaching out, sharing your light, and making the world a brighter place. Shine on beautiful ones!