Can Healing Be Guaranteed?


Hi, I’m from Sri Lanka. My girl friend is suffering from leukemia and we went to a healing session here. They said that she is fine after the session and everything will be okay after 7 days. She is having all the hardships mentioned in this site afterwards and admitted to the hospital. Her hemoglobin and platelet levels are always decreasing very fast these days (now 6 days have gone). Will everything be normal after the body finds its new energy level after 7 days? (our practitioner is difficult to contact and I have no idea about this). Thank You.


Hi K…n,

My heart goes out to you and your girlfriend and the challenges you are facing. A reputable healer can not promise a cure because individual free-will reigns supreme. As healers we channel spiritual life force energy and that divine intelligence knows exactly where to go and what do in accordance with the individual’s free-will and soul plan. Ultimately, all healing is self-healing, first at the level of mind and then at the physical level.

However, there is something both you and she can do to support her healing…

You can use the power of your minds, intention and free will to remember and call forth the Divine within. We are each a spark of Divine Source. At a soul level we have all the same aspects and power of the Divine … the same unconditional love, power, peace, and wholeness. Here is an affirmation that I use personally and in my healing work.

“I see only the Divine in you. I know you are deeply connected and guided by the Divine within.”

Repeat the words in the statement very slowly as you contemplate the significance of remembering your/her true divine nature … of being “deeply connected” or at one with the Divine  …and of being personally “guided” by Divine love and intelligence.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Warm regards,

A Note about Guarantees

While I offer a 100% money back guarantee for my services. I am not guaranteeing a cure. What I do guarantee is your satisfaction with me as a healer/intuitive consultant, with our session and that some benefit has been provided. Sometimes the benefit is healing, sometimes it’s helpful insight or guidance. Also, unlike some other providers I do not force clients to decide within the first five minutes of a session if the session is helpful or not, and if you want your money back. My guarantee reads, “I offer a 100% money back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied with your experience, simply notify me by email within 24-hours following your session and I’ll issue a 100% refund.” I feel it’s important to give you some time to digest your experience, and then decide whether you found the encounter beneficial.