555 – The Messenger of Big Change

The last time 555’s repeatedly began appearing in my life was in the late spring of 2016. Fives mean change. Triple fives is like the Universe typing in ALL CAPS. It’s not quite yelling, but it is emphasizing a significant amount of change.

For me, the changes were a mix of good and bad.

First, the three-year grace period on my cushy health insurance plan through my ex-husband came to an end. I had to find new health insurance, and as self-employed marketing freelancer it hit my pocketbook hard. Then, after a sequence of minor injuries, I tore my meniscus while hiking and dancing. At the time I was walking four miles a day, hiking on the weekend, and dancing a couple of nights a week. All that came to an immediate halt when I had knee surgery. Somewhere in this mix I met a smart and handsome businessman and a wonderful romance ensued. Later that year, I lost a major business account, broke up with the guy, sold or gave away all my worldly possessions, and moved to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

I think you’d agree that’s a serious amount of change for a seven-month period.

The 555 Sacred Messenger Signifies Big Changes

As a sacred messenger, repeated appearances of 555 is giving us a heads-up that big change or a period of significant change is about to ensue. Energetically its significance is three times amplified. It signifies a period in which you’ll need to make life choices that could have a long-reaching impact.

I was about to learn that whenever I made decisions from a place of love, patience and trust (as in trusting and heeding my intuition and the signals from my body) things progressed smoothly. When I made decisions from a place of fear or lack, I ended making things much more difficult and painful for myself.

A case in point was my injured knee. I was anxious to get back to all the physical activities I enjoyed. In my fear of missing out (FMO) on all the exercise and fun, I never let it fully heal. I wanted a quick fix, so I elected to have knee surgery to repair the meniscus. The surgeon indicated that ideally I’d be back to walking, hiking and dancing in 6 to 8 weeks. Almost a year later, my knee hadn’t healed correctly and I was still experiencing a lot of pain. Luckily after I settled in the Outer Banks, I finally found a great physical therapist who helped me regain about 85% of my mobility. Years, later though, I still experience intermittent problems with the knee. The moral of this story is to prepare for change when you see repeating 5’s AND do your best to make decisions from love, not fear. If fear is making your heart pound and head clang with worry, then sit tight until you can hear the whispers of your heart and intuition. It will steer you clearly, one step at a time.

The Metaphysical Meaning of 555

Big Changes

  • Be prepared, things about to change, either several small changes or a singular big shift.
  • Change is an opportunity for growth.
  • Often times, a life-altering change is meant to move you to your highest good (even though it may not seem so at the time).

Let Go and Make Decisions From Love

  • It is time to let go of the ‘old’ that is no longer serving you. Trust that goes will be replaced with what’s better for you from a soul perspective.
  • Resist the urge to rush into action and/or be reactive. Take time to contemplate your next step.
  • Pray and ask for guidance.
  • Be open to answers and insights.
  • Make decisions and take action from a place of love and positive intention.

A Little Twist on 555 and Relationship

  • The core number of 555 is 6, the number of the heart and signifies love, compassionate support and healing.
  • If you’re single and seeing 555, you may just be about to meet someone new that will change your life. This person could be your soul mate or another relationship that brings growth and new insights .
  • If you are already in a relationship, the energy between you two may be altered, ultimately for your highest good.

How the Shape of the Number 5 Reveals One of Its Purposes

If you look at the number 5 it has a curved bottom. It looks like it could topple over at any moment. The 5 is built that way for reason. I believe the universe sends the five toppling over to encourage us to empty out old patterns that are no longer good for us in order to make room for spiritual growth and new opportunities.

When 5 falls onto its side, it’s in the ideal position to empty the old and receive the new:

Once it empties, the momentum of change continues until it’s upside down, than sideways again (emptying and receiving), until it’s balanced itself in the new energy, and finally rights itself again:

Additional Resources

Articles I referenced for this post:

Some Cool Angel Number Illustrated Art:

Check out Willow Soul Heals Gallery.