What if you aren’t falling behind?
What if you aren’t falling behind?
What if you are exactly where you are supposed to be?
What if you are making exactly as must progress as you need to?
What if you are amazing just the way you are?
What if you don’t need to do anything more or being anything more than who you are?
In the book Dying to Be Me, Anita Moorjani says one of the things she discovered as a result of her near death experience as that, “The only thing you need to learn is that you already are what you’re seeking to attain. Just express your uniqueness fearlessly, with abandon! That’s why you’re made the way you are, and that’s why you’re here in the physical world.”
You know what? I believe her.
There is not another soul in the whole universe exactly like you.
No one else has your laugh or your unique way of looking at the world. No one else has the same combination of interests and talents. No else can be exactly like you. You came here to fully express and experience being you.
So consider letting go of striving to be more or better.
Just be you, with fearless abandon.
Doesn’t that sound delicious?
I think so too,