About Mediumship and Channeling

I recently received this email asking what do we call it when energies or entities move through us. Here is the email:

“I just found your information on google on ‘The Eight Clair Senses’.  I have read up on these but feel like what I do/or have doesn’t fit into any of these.

I would describe it as Clairkinesthetic as I very strongly get physically moved (all types of movements from large body to minute) in all types of ways, very specifically as if energy is taking over my body and moving it for me.  I use this for mostly healing as that’s what I mainly feel like I need to use it for (maybe this is channel healing?).  However, I can also ask it to give me psychic messages and it will lead me to/point out/show actions to specific messages around the environment that will answer my/or others questions e.g. words in books, pictures, actions (it can be a bit like playing charades sometimes to work out what the message is telling me!).  
I feel that something is working through me and it’s not always necessarily the same – sometimes I feel a wizard/scientist, a shaman, chinese qigong, angels, fairies and even Jesus!    Therefore is this mediumship, as you described communicating with spirit in other dimensions – this is definitely happening!  Is this also channeling?  Your article talked about channeling as writing or speaking the communication from spirit but I am rather being ‘moved’ to give messages. 

My question is: have you heard of this before?  If so, I can’t find anything on ‘google’ or through talking to healers etc. and they can’t seem to tell me anything about it.  Can you direct me to readings/information/contacts that also have similar experiences and do you think it is possible there is a clairkinesthetic and if so, why is this not on anything I can find!!”

My answer:

“If it feels like energy taking over your body, then I would say you a medium and are channeling. It’s possible that you are also sometimes “trance channeling.” 

There are many individuals who channel energy, most have entities speaking, writing or painting through them, with a smaller number that perform healing and psychic surgeries (directed by the entities/energy moving through them).”

The Difference between Psychic Medium and Channel Medium

A psychic medium is someone who mediates or relays communication and/or healing energy between human beings and other entities. The entity could be deceased individuals, angels, ascended masters, light beings, universal consciousness, etc.  Some mediums also channel entities. Channeling refers to the more direct experience of allowing entities to write, speak or move through the medium for communication and/or healing purposes. In general, there are three types of channeling:

Three Types of Channeling

  1. Conscious Channeling is where the medium maintains conscious awareness of what is happening but allows another entity to bring messages or healing energy through his or her body. The channel is free to edit the information coming through them or to end the session when or if they feel uncomfortable with what is being offered. Examples of conscious channelers that allow entities to speak or write through them:
  2. Trance Channeling is where a medium allows an outside entity to take control of their body as an instrument for communication or healing. While trance channeling, the medium typically has no knowledge or recollection afterwards of what has transpired. He or she simply “steps aside” and then returns when the body is fatigued or when the session is over. It is highly suggested that when exploring this type of channeling that beginners find a seasoned mentor to work with as there is a danger of allowing in negative entities. Examples of trance channelers:
    • Edgar Cayce – channeling the akashic records and universal consciousness.
    • Stephen Turoff: Performs healing and psychic surgeries
    • João Teixeira de Faria (John of God) – Entities move through him to perform psychic surgeries and procedures. It is said that he channels more than 30 entities.
  3. Automatic Writing, Painting or Muscianship – The medium or channel allows their body, while conscious or in trance, to serve as a vehicle for the entity to write or create through. Examples:
For more information on channeling, please check out these informative blog articles: